
Web functionality abstractions

Boost Web

Web functionality abstractions.

boost-web is a js/ts library of abstract interfaces and classes for common web functionality.


npm i boost-web


Implement any interface using your favorite dependency injection.

For example, manually setting up modules config, app and http:


import appConfig from './'

const _config: ConfigService = new SimpleConfigService(appConfig)
const _app: AppService = new SimpleAppService(_config)
const _http: HttpService = new FetchHttpService(_config)

Then using the http service:

import {_http} from '/Container'

let apiInfo = await _http.get<ApiInfo>('api/info')

Provided Modules

app Application info
config Static application configuration
events publish and subscribe to events
http Http based Api calls
i18n Internationalization
logging Data logging
routing Navigation and routing
security Authentication and role-based security
session Storage for user sessions
ui User interfaces


To install more plugins, check out boost-web-universe package.