Utils Function For Better Coding Life
UtilsPackage is a collection of utility functions designed to simplify common tasks in your projects. Whether you're working with dates, arrays, strings, or objects, these functions will help you get the job done efficiently. Just enjoy the convenience and boost your productivity!
You can use these utility functions in your projects by simply importing the UtilsPackage
and calling the functions as needed.
To install UtilsPackage, you can use your package manager of choice:
npm install utils-package
# or
yarn add utils-package
GetStartAndEndDateTime(fromDate, toDate)
Get the start and end date and time between two given dates.
Convert the given seconds into a human-readable time format.
GetTimeDifference(fromDate, toDate)
Calculate the time difference between two dates.
GetTimeDifferenceInDays(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of days between two dates.
GetTimeDifferenceInHours(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of hours between two dates.
GetTimeDifferenceInMinutes(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of minutes between two dates.
GetTimeDifferenceInSeconds(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of seconds between two dates.
Format a date object or a date string into a specified format.
ArrayGroupByAttribute(array[], key)
Group an array of objects by a specific attribute.
Shuffling an array.
ArrayCountByAttribute(array[], key)
Count occurrences of a specific attribute in an array of objects.
AsyncForEach(array[], callback)
Asynchronously iterate over an array and apply a callback function.
UniqueArrayOfObjects(array[], attribute)
Get a new array with unique objects based on a specified attribute.
Get a new array with unique elements from the given array.
IntersectionArray(array1[], array2[])
Get an array containing elements present in both array1 and array2.
ExcludeArray(array1[], array2[])
Get an array excluding elements present in array2 from array1.
Convert an object into an array.
JsonChunkArray(array[objects], size)
Split a JSON array of objects into smaller chunks of a given size.
Check if the given string is a valid email address.
Check if the given string is a valid Bangladesh phone number.
Check if the given string is a valid username.
Check if the given string is a valid UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
Convert a CamelCase string into a separated string.
GenerateKeyOrCode(codeLength, type)
Generate a random key or code of a specified length and type (HEX or OCTAL).
GenerateKeyOrCodeWithPrefix(prefix, length, code)
Generate a random key or code with a specified prefix and length.
Convert a string into a URL-friendly slug.
Create a deep copy of the given object.
MergeObjects(object1, object2, overwrite)
Merge two objects into one. If
is true, existing properties inobject1
will be overwritten byobject2
properties. -
Convert an object into an array of key-value pairs.
GetStartAndEndDateTime(fromDate, toDate) {#getstartandenddatetime}
Get the start and end date and time between two given dates.
const { GetStartAndEndDateTime } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01"; const toDate = "2021-01-02"; const { startDateTime, endDateTime } = GetStartAndEndDateTime( fromDate, toDate ); console.log(startDateTime); // Output: 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z console.log(endDateTime); // Output: 2021-01-02T23:59:59.999Z
Convert the given seconds into a human-readable time format.
const { SecondsToTime } = require("utils-package"); const seconds = 5000; const time = SecondsToTime(seconds); console.log(time); // Output: 1 hour, 23 minutes, 20 seconds
GetTimeDifference(fromDate, toDate)
Calculate the time difference between two dates.
const { GetTimeDifference } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01"; const toDate = "2021-01-02"; const timeDifference = GetTimeDifference(fromDate, toDate); console.log(timeDifference); // Output: { days: 1, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }
GetTimeDifferenceInDays(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of days between two dates.
const { GetTimeDifferenceInDays } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01"; const toDate = "2021-01-03"; const daysDifference = GetTimeDifferenceInDays(fromDate, toDate); console.log(daysDifference); // Output: 2
GetTimeDifferenceInHours(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of hours between two dates.
const { GetTimeDifferenceInHours } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01T12:00:00"; const toDate = "2021-01-02T12:00:00"; const hoursDifference = GetTimeDifferenceInHours(fromDate, toDate); console.log(hoursDifference); // Output: 24
GetTimeDifferenceInMinutes(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of minutes between two dates.
const { GetTimeDifferenceInMinutes } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01T12:00:00"; const toDate = "2021-01-01T12:30:00"; const minutesDifference = GetTimeDifferenceInMinutes(fromDate, toDate); console.log(minutesDifference); // Output: 30
GetTimeDifferenceInSeconds(fromDate, toDate)
Get the number of seconds between two dates.
const { GetTimeDifferenceInSeconds } = require("utils-package"); const fromDate = "2021-01-01T12:00:00"; const toDate = "2021-01-01T12:00:15"; const secondsDifference = GetTimeDifferenceInSeconds(fromDate, toDate); console.log(secondsDifference); // Output: 15
ArrayGroupByAttribute(array[], key)
Group an array of objects by a specific attribute.
const { ArrayGroupByAttribute } = require("utils-package"); const array = [ { name: "Jhon Doe", age: 25 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 27 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 28 }, ]; const key = "name"; const groupedArray = ArrayGroupByAttribute(array, key); console.log(groupedArray); /* Output: { "Jhon Doe": [{ name: "Jhon Doe", age: 25 }], "Alexa": [ { name: "Alexa", age: 27 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 28 }, ], } */
Shuffling an array.
const { ArrayShuffle } = require("utils-package"); const array = [ { name: "Jhon Doe", age: 25 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 27 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 28 }, ]; const shuffledArray = ArrayShuffle(array); console.log(shuffledArray); /* Output: [ { name: "Alexa", age: 27 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 28 }, { name: "Jhon Doe", age: 25 }, ] */
ArrayCountByAttribute(array[], key)
Count occurrences of a specific attribute in an array of objects.
const { ArrayCountByAttribute } = require("utils-package"); const array = [ { name: "Jhon Doe", age: 25 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 27 }, { name: "Alexa", age: 28 }, ]; const key = "name"; const counts = ArrayCountByAttribute(array, key); console.log(counts); // Output: { "Jhon Doe": 1, "Alexa": 2 }
AsyncForEach(array[], callback)
Asynchronously iterate over an array and apply a callback function.
const { AsyncForEach } = require("utils-package"); const array = [1, 2, 3, 4]; AsyncForEach(array, async (item) => { await someAsyncTask(item); });
UniqueArrayOfObjects(array[], attribute)
Get a new array with unique objects based on a specified attribute.
const { UniqueArrayOfObjects } = require("utils-package"); const array = [{ name: "Jhon Doe" }, { name: "Alexa" }]; const attribute = "name"; const uniqueArray = UniqueArrayOfObjects(array, attribute); console.log(uniqueArray); // Output: [{ name: "Jhon Doe" }, { name: "Alexa" }]
Get a new array with unique elements from the given array.
const { UniqueArray } = require("utils-package"); const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3]; const uniqueArray = UniqueArray(array); console.log(uniqueArray); // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4]
IntersectionArray(array1[], array2[])
Get an array containing elements present in both array1 and array2.
const { IntersectionArray } = require("utils-package"); const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]; const array2 = [2, 3, 4, 5]; const intersection = IntersectionArray(array1, array2); console.log(intersection); // Output: [2, 3, 4]
ExcludeArray(array1[], array2[])
Get an array excluding elements present in array2 from array1.
const { ExcludeArray } = require("utils-package"); const array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]; const array2 = [2, 3, 4, 5]; const excludedArray = ExcludeArray(array1, array2); console.log(excludedArray); // Output: [1]
Convert an object into an array.
const { ParseObjectToArray } = require("utils-package"); const object = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const array = ParseObjectToArray(object); console.log(array); // Output: [1, 2]
JsonChunkArray(array[objects], size)
Split a JSON array of objects into smaller chunks of a given size.
const { JsonChunkArray } = require("utils-package"); const array = [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }]; const size = 2; const chunkedArray = JsonChunkArray(array, size); console.log(chunkedArray); /* Output: [ [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }], [{ c: 3 }], ] */
Check if the given string is a valid email address.
const { IsValidEmail } = require("utils-package"); const email = "example@example.com"; const isValid = IsValidEmail(email); console.log(isValid); // Output: true
Check if the given string is a valid Bangladesh phone number.
const { IsValidBDPhoneNumber } = require("utils-package"); const number = "+8801700000000"; const isValid = IsValidBDPhoneNumber(number); console.log(isValid); // Output: true
Check if the given string is a valid username.
const { IsValidUserName } = require("utils-package"); const username = "aamaruf131"; const isValid = IsValidUserName(username); console.log(isValid); // Output: true
Check if the given string is a valid UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
const { IsValidUUID } = require("utils-package"); const uuid = "48a2d845-edfa-4681-926e-31f635771da5"; const isValid = IsValidUUID(uuid); console.log(isValid); // Output: true
Convert a CamelCase string into a separated string.
const { CamelCaseToSeparateString } = require("utils-package"); const camelCaseString = "exampleCamelCase"; const separatedString = CamelCaseToSeparateString(camelCaseString); console.log(separatedString); // Output: "example Camel Case"
GenerateKeyOrCode(codeLength, type)
Generate a random key or code of a specified length and type (HEX or OCTAL).
const { GenerateKeyOrCode } = require("utils-package"); const codeLength = 5; const type = "HEX"; const code = GenerateKeyOrCode(codeLength, type); console.log(code); // Output: "a1b2c"
GenerateKeyOrCodeWithPrefix(prefix, length, code)
Generate a random key or code with a specified prefix and length.
const { GenerateKeyOrCodeWithPrefix } = require("utils-package"); const prefix = "0"; const length = 8; const code = "ABC"; const generatedCode = GenerateKeyOrCodeWithPrefix(prefix, length, code); console.log(generatedCode); // Output: "0ABCxxxx"
Create a deep copy of the given object.
const { CloneObject } = require("utils-package"); const originalObject = { name: "John", age: 30, address: { city: "New York", zip: "10001" }, }; const clonedObject = CloneObject(originalObject); console.log(clonedObject); // Output: { name: "John", age: 30, address: { city: "New York", zip: "10001" } }
You can use these utility functions in your projects by simply importing the UtilsPackage
and calling the functions as needed.
To install UtilsPackage, you can use your package manager of choice:
npm install utils-package
# or
yarn add utils-package
- Farzan Hossan Shaikat
Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or reporting issues.
Thank you for using UtilsPackage! We hope these utility functions make your coding experience more enjoyable and productive. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Happy coding!